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Pharmaceutical name: Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalis


*  Promotes urination, drains damp-heat in the lower burner - urinary difficulty, edema, diarrhea.


*  Drains deficient kidney fire - heat signs, dizziness, tinnitus.



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£10.60 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: herb-0053

Pharmaceutical name: Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis


*  Clears heat, drains fire - high fever, irritability, thirst, and a rapid flooding pulse in patterns of excessive heat in the lungs and/or stomach; cough due to lung heat with thick yellow sputum.


*  Nourishes yin, moistens dryness - deficiency of lung and kidney yin, night sweats, steaming bone disorder, irritability, afternoon or low-grade fevers, bleeding gums, five-center heat; also for kidney heat signs - spermatorrhea, nocturnal emission, high sexual desire.


*  Generates fluids and clears heat - oral ulcers and inflammation due to yin deficiency, wasting and thirsting disorder.



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£16.30 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-0032

Pharmaceutical name: Herba Epimedii; Epimedii Herba



* Tonify kidney yang - impotence, spermatorrhea, frequent urination, poor memory, painful and cold lower back and knees.


* Expel wind-damp, cold - spasms, cramps, joint pain, numbness in limbs.


* Strengthen yin and yang, harnesses liver yang rising - dizziness, low back pain, irregular menses from liver and kidneys and subsequent liver yang rising.




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Pharmaceutical name: Caulis Polygoni Multiflori


* Calms the spirit, nourishes the heart and blood - insomnia, irritability, dream disturbed sleep from yin and/or blood deficiency.

* Nourishes the blood and unblocks the channels - generalized weakness, soreness, pain, numbness due to blood deficiency.

* Alleviates itching - external wash for itching and skin rashes.



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£8.10 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-0043

Pharmaceutical name: Aurantii Fructus immaturus


*  Breaks up Qi stagnation, reduces accumulations, transforms phlegm - epigastric or abdominal pain and distention or indigestion w/focal distention or gas.


*  Directs qi downward and unblocks bowels - frequently used for abdominal pain and constipation by accumulation and stagnant Qi.


*  Transforms phlegm and expels focal.


*  Used with Qi tonifying herbs for the prolapse of organs.


*  Raises blood pressure.




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£14.60 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Aurantii Fructus


*  Breaks Stagnant Qi

*  Reduces Accumulation and Descends Qi

*  Promotes the flow of qi



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Pharmaceutical name: Semen Coicis Lachrymae Jobi 


*  Promotes urination, drains dampness - edema, difficult urination, damp leg qi.


*  Strengthens the spleen, stops diarrhea.


*  Clears heat and expels pus - carbuncles, lung or intestinal abscesses.


*  Expels wind-damp, relieves joint and muscle pain.


*  Clears damp-heat - any damp-heat disorder at any level with greasy tongue coating and digestive problems.



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£10.50 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-0049

Pharmaceutical name: Herba Leonuri Heterophylae, Leonuri Herba


*  Invigorates blood and regulates menses for gynecological issues - PMS, abdominal pain, irregular menses, abdominal masses, infertility, post partum abdominal pain w/lochioschesis, stasis from blood deficiency.


*  Promotes urination and reduces swelling - acute systemic edema


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£10.50 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-0050

Pharmaceutical name: Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae


* Calms the spirit, quiets the heart - insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, restlessness.

* Expels phlegm from the lungs, clears the heart orifices - copious sputum, mental confusion, seizures.

* Reduces abscesses, dissipate swellings - boils, sores, painful breasts.





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£18.50 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Gardeniae Fructus


*  Clears heat (Heart and Liver), eliminates irritability - heat patterns with fever, restlessness, insomnia, delirium, stifling sensation in the chest.


*  Drains damp heat - lin (urinary dysfunction) syndrome due to damp-heat in the lower warmer, damp-heat and constrained liver and gallbladder causing jaundice, damp-heat in the gall bladder and triple heater channels of the face - eyes, nose, sores in the mouth and face.


*  Cools the blood, stops bleeding - nosebleed, blood in vomit, stool, urine; (needs to partially charred).


*  Topically for blood stasis due to trauma, reduces swelling.




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Product no.: powder-0022

Pharmaceutical name: Radix Arnebiae seu Lithospermi


*  Clears Heat, Cools the Blood, Relieves Fire Toxicity while Venting Rashes. Encourages rashes to surface, often for fire toxin with very dark purple rashes.


* Topically. Clears damp heat, damp heat skin lesion, vaginal itching, burns.


* Moisten Intestines, Unblock Bowels. Heat in the blood with constipation.




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£13.20 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: powder-0023

Pharmaceutical name: Herba Violae


*  Clears heat and fire toxicity - hot swellings, red, swollen eyes, throat, and/or ears; mumps.


*  Clears hot sores - sores and abscesses of the head and/or back.




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£8.90 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-0090

Pharmaceutical name: Alpiniae oxyphyllae Fructus


*  Warms the kidneys, retains essence, holds urine - spermatorrhea, frequent and copious urine, urinary incontinence, dribbling urine.

*  Warms the spleen, stops diarrhea - cold spleen or stomach patterns with diarrhea, cold abdominal pain, excess salivation, thick/bad taste in the mouth.



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£19.80 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-00112

Pharmaceutical name:Honey Prepared Licorice


*  Tonifies the spleen and augments qi - spleen deficiency w/shortness of breath, fatigue, loose stools (si jun zi tong).


*  Qi and/or blood deficiency w/irregular pluse or palpitations (Zhi Gan Cao Tang).


*  Moistens the lungs and stops cough - heat/cold in the lungs (Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang).


*  Clears heat and toxic fire (raw) - carbuncles, sores, sore throat due to fire toxin (internally or topically).


*  Alleviates pain and stops spasms - abdomen or legs (Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang).


*  Often used to harmonize and/or moderate characteristics of other herbs.


*  Antidote for toxic substances (internally and topically).





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Product no.: pd-00124

Pharmaceutical name: Ginkgo Biloba


*  Tonify the heart and astringe the lung, resolve dampness and check diarrhea.

* used for Diarrhea, leucorrhea, cough with phlegm and asthma, palpitation, choking sensation in chest and cardiac pain.



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Product no.: pd-00128

Pharmaceutical name: Herba Houttuyniae


Clears heat and toxins, reduces swellings and abscess - for lung abscess or lung heat cough with thick, yellow-green sputum.

* Relieves toxicity and expels pus for toxic sores (internally and topically).

* Drains damp-heat, promotes urination - diarrhea, lin syndromes.



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£25.10 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-00131

Pharmaceutical Name: Rhizoma Corydalis Yanhusuo / Corydalis Rhizoma


* Invigorate blood, alleviate pain - pain from blood stasis and trauma, dysmenorrhea.

* Promotes movement of Qi and alleviates pain - chest pain, abdominal pain, menstrual pain, hernial disorders, epigastric pain.



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Product no.: powder-00122

Pharmaceutical name: Polygonati odorati Rhizoma


*  Nourish yin, moisten dryness - lung and stomach dry heat or yin deficiency patterns with cough, dry throat, thirst, irritability, steaming bone disorder, xiao ke, excess hunger, constipation.

*  Clear wind, softens and moistens the sinews - wind generated by insufficient fluids, leading to pain and spasms in the sinews, dizziness from yin deficiency and internal movement of wind.

*  Also useful for wind-heat in yin deficient constitution (not cloying herb)





£14.60 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: powder-0081

Pharmaceutical name:  Curcumae Radix


*  Invigorate blood, break up stasis - used topically and internally for traumatic pain, and to speed healing process of chronic sores.

*  Promotes movement of Qi - liver qi stagnation, menstrual pain, chest, flank pain.

*  Clears heat, cools blood - hot phlegm obstructs heart orifices with symptoms like anxiety, agitation, seizures.

*  Benefits gallbladder - jaundice.


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Product no.: herb-0023

Pharmaceutical name:  Radix Asteris Tatarici


*  Relieves cough and expels phlegm - important herb for stopping coughs of various etiologies, especially chronic, cold induced cough with copious sputum that is difficult to expectorate, or of blood streaked sputum.

*  Frying in honey enhances the moistening function of the lungs and stops cough.



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£32.60 / pack(s) *
Product no.: powder-0134

Pharmaceutical name: Semen Pruni


Moistens intestines, unblocks the bowel - constipation due to qi stagnation in intestines.

*  Promotes urination and reduces edema in the legs.




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£30.60 / pack(s) *

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