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Product no.: powder-0011

Pharmaceutical name: Ginseng Radix


*  Strongly tonify yuan qi - extreme collapse of qi, shortness of breath, cold limbs, profuse sweating, weak pulse (often used alone for this condition after severe blood loss).


*  Tonify lung qi - wheezing, shortness of breath, w/kidneys failing to grasp the qi.


*  Strengthen the middle warmer - lethargy, no appetite, chronic diarrhea, prolapse of organs, distended chest/abdomen.


*  Generates fluids, stops thirst - xiao ke, damaged fluid due to high dever and profuse sweating.


*  Benefits heart qi, calms the spirit - palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, poor memory, restlessness due to qi and/or blood deficiency.



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£18.60 / Byte *

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Pharmaceutical name: Rhizoma Coptidis



*  Drains fire, relieves toxicity - high fever, irritability, disorientation, delirium, painful, red eyes, red tongue, sore throat, boils, carbuncles, abscesses.


*  Clears heat, drains dampness - for damp-heat in the stomach or intestine, diarrhea or dysenteric disorder, vomiting and/or acid regurgitation due to stomach heat.


*  Clears heart fire - irritability, insomnia.


*  Clears heat and stops bleeding - nosebleed, blood in the urine, stool, vomiting due to hot blood.


*  Topically for red, painful eyes and ulcerations of the tongue and mouth


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£93.00 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Radix Polygoni Multiflori


*  Tonifies liver and kidney, nourishes blood, augments essence - yin and/or blood deficiency w/dizziness, blurred vision, prematurely grey hair, weakness in the lower back and knees, sore limbs, insomnia, nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, vaginal discharge; neither cold, drying, nor too cloying.


*  Relieves toxic fire - carbuncles, sores, scrofula, neck lumps.


*  Moistens intestines - constipation associated with blood deficiency.


*  Expels wind from skin by nourishing the blood.


*  Chronic malaria w/qi and blood deficiency.


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£10.90 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Cortex Phellodendri


*  Drains damp heat from the lower jiao - thick-yellow leukorrhea, foul-smelling diarrhea, dysentery; damp-heat pouring downward or hot leg qi - red, swollen, painful knees, legs, and/or feet; damp-heat jaundice.


*  Drains kidney fire with signs of yin deficiency - steaming bone disorder, night sweats, afternoon fever and sweating, nocturnal emissions, spermatorrhea.


*  Drains fire, relieves toxicity - sores and lesions of the skin.



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£10.80 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-0027

Pharmaceutical name: Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis


*   Clears heat, drains fire, especially from the upper warmer - heat patterns with fever, irritability, thirst, cough, thick, yellow sputum, hot sores and swellings.

*   Clears heat, dries dampness - damp-heat in the stomach or intestines, diarrhea, dysentery; damp warm-febrile disease with fever, stifling sensation in the chest, thirst with no desire to drink; damp-heat in the lower jiao - lin syndrome; damp-heat jaundice.

*   Clears heat, stops bleeding - vomiting and/or coughing of blood, nosebleed, blood in the stool.

*   Clears heat, calms the fetus - restless fetus due to heat.


*   Sedates liver yang rising - headache, irritability, red eyes, bitter taste, flushed face.


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£11.60 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Semen Cannabis Sativae


*  Moistens and nourishes the intestines - constipation in the elderly, aftermath of a febrile disease, postpartum, and in cases of blood deficiency.


*  Mildly nourishes yin - constipation with yin deficiency.


*  Clears heat - promotes healing of sores (orally or topically).


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£7.90 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Archyanthis bidentatae Radix


* Invigorates blood, expels blood stasis - dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, lochioschesis.

* Strengthens the sinews, bones, and joints - lower back and knee issues due to deficiency (tonifies the liver and kidneys).

* Clears damp heat in the lower burner - damp-heat pouring downward manifesting as back and knee pain, w/lin.

* Brings blood downward - yin deficiency with fire or hot blood in the upper warmer, vomiting blood, toothache, nosebleed, dizziness, headache, blurred vision (yang rising).



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£13.60 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Herba Ecliptae Prostratae


* Cools blood, stops bleeding - yin deficiency patterns with bleeding due to heat in the blood, vomiting or coughing up blood, nosebleed, blood in the stool, uterine bleeding, bloody urine.

* it is used for Liver and kidney yin deficiency - dizziness, premature greying of hair, blurred vision.



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£12.90 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis



*  Promotes movement of Qi, transforms dampness, resolves stagnation - dampness in spleen/stomach, food stagnation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distention (*important herb for this).


*  Warms and transforms phlegm and directs rebellious lung Qi downward - wheezing, phlegm with coughing, stifling sensation in the chest.



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£11.50 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin


* Calms the spirit, relieves constrained emotions - vexation, depression, insomnia, irritability, poor memory.

* Invigorates the blood, alleviates pain - pain and swelling due to trauma, abscesses.



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£11.50 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Carthami Flos


*  Invigorate blood, unblock menstruation - blood stasis patterns w/amenorrhea, abdominal pain, post partum dizziness, lochioschesis, abdominal masses.


*  Dispels blood stasis, alleviates pain - blood stasis wounds and pain, carbuncles, dark purplish erythema, rash, chest pain due to blood stasis.





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£27.60 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-0058

Pharmaceutical name:  Herba Lysimachiae


*  Promotes urination, important herb for stone lin syndromes (also helps for other lin types).


*  Clears damp-heat in the liver and gallbladder - jaundice, red, swollen eyes.


*  Reduces toxicity and swelling - snakebit, abscess, traumatic injury.



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£16.80 / pack(s) *

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Pharmaceutical name: Albiziae Flos


* Calms the spirit and relieves constraint

* Regulates the Qi and whet the appetite

* Invigorates the blood,  alleviates pain and dissipate swellings



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£10.10 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: powder-00100

Pharmaceutical name: Folium Nelumbinis Nuciferae


*  Treats summerheat patterns - fever, irritability, excessive sweating, scanty urine, diarrhea due to summerheat.


*  Raises and clears the spleen yang - diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, especially after summer-heat.


*  Stops bleeding - lower burner bleeding due to heat or stagnation, also for vomiting blood.



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£7.10 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-0089

Pharmaceutical name: Semen Cassiae


*  Clears the vision and expels wind-heat - itchy, red and painful eyes, sensitivity to light due to wind-heat (stronger action in clearing liver-heat/fire  also nourishes kidney yin and liver yin).


*  Moistens intestines and unblocks the bowels - dry, chronic constipation especially due to liver yin deficiency.


*  Lowers blood pressure and serum cholesterol.




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£11.30 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-0070

Pharmaceutical name: Cortex Phellodendri


* Tonifies spleen qi - lack of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea.


Raises yang qi of spleen and stomach - prolapse of uterus, stomach, rectum, uterine bleeding.


Augments the wei qi and stabilizes the exterior - deficiency w/spontaneous sweating, frequent colds or shortness of breath.


Tonify qi and blood due to loss of blood - postpartum fever.


Edema from deficiency.


* Promote discharge of pus, generate flesh - sores due to deficiency.




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£12.60 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: pd-0110

Pharmaceutical name: Polygonati Rhizoma


*  Tonify spleen qi and yin - with poor appetite, fatigue, dry mouth, loss of taste, dry stool, dry red tongue.


*  Moistens the lungs - dry cough, little sputum due to lung qi and yin deficiency.


*  Tonify kidneys, strengthen jing - lower back pain/weakness, lightheadedness.



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Product no.: powder-123

Pharmaceutical name: Trigonellae Semen


*  Warm the kidney and tonify yang.

*  dissipate cold and alleviate pain.



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£9.10 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: powder-0128

Pharmaceutical name: Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae


*  Expels wind and releases the exterior - useful for either wind-cold or wind-heat

*  Useful for boils, carbuncles, etc. in the initial stages

*  Resolve itching (wind-heat in the blood level), may be used topically

*  Stops bleeding, blood in stool (secondary herb), uterine bleeding



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Product no.: powder-0088

Pharmaceutical name:  Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma


*  Invigorates blood and dispels stasis - amenorrhea, wind-damp painful obstruction, traumatic injury.

*  Clears heat and resolves dampness - damp heat jaundice, turbid vaginal discharge.

*  Drains heat, transforms phlegm - cough due to lung heat, constipation.

*  Discharges toxins - burns, carbuncles (topically).


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£12.50 / pack(s) *

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* Prices incl. VAT