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Product no.: herb-015

Pharmaceutical name: Indigo naturalis



*  Clears Heat, resolves Fire toxicity, cools the Blood and reduces maculae - Can be used alone for bleeding due to Blood Heat, especially epistaxis

*  Clears Heat, resolves Fire toxicity, cools the Blood, disperses Stagnation and reduces swelling - Throat inflammation, sores of the mouth or mumps due to blazing Heat (internal or topical)

*   Drains Liver Fire, dispels Summerheat and extinguishes Wind to stop tremors - Convulsions, red eyes, sore throat and other manifestations of Heat, especially Summerheat, affecting the Liver

*  Clears Liver Fire, drains Lung Heat and cools the Blood - Cough due to Lung Heat, Cough and chest pain due to Liver Fire attacking the Lungs



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Product no.: herb-016

Pharmaceutical name: Ganoderma


Lowers blood sugar

Anti-bacterial and anti-viral

Augments Qi and Nourishes Blood

Calms the spirit

Inhibits platelet aggregation (clotting)



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Product no.: herb-018

Pharmaceutical name: Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis



*  Promotes movement of Qi, transforms dampness, resolves stagnation - dampness in spleen/stomach, food stagnation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal distention (*important herb for this).


*  Warms and transforms phlegm and directs rebellious lung Qi downward - wheezing, phlegm with coughing, stifling sensation in the chest.



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Pharmaceutical name: Styluis Zeae Mays


*  Promotes urination - hot lin, stone lin, edema.

*  Regulates the gallbladder - yin or yang jaundice.

*  Wasting and thirsting disorder.



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Product no.: herb-043

Pharmaceutical name: Cortex Phellodendri




*  Drains damp heat from the lower jiao - thick-yellow leukorrhea, foul-smelling diarrhea, dysentery; damp-heat pouring downward or hot leg qi - red, swollen, painful knees, legs, and/or feet; damp-heat jaundice.


*  Drains kidney fire with signs of yin deficiency - steaming bone disorder, night sweats, afternoon fever and sweating, nocturnal emissions, spermatorrhea.


*  Drains fire, relieves toxicity - sores and lesions of the skin.




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Product no.: herb-046


Pharmaceutical name: Eucommiae Cortex



*  Tonify liver and kidneys, strengthen sinews and bones - weak, painful knees and lower back, fatigue, frequent urination.


*  Promotes smooth flow of qi and blood circulation.


*  Calms the fetus - for cold deficient kidney patterns with bleeding during pregnancy, prevents miscarriages from deficiency.


*  Recently used for dizziness from liver yang rising (hypertension).



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Product no.: herb-055

Pharmaceutical name: Citri reticulatae Pericarpium




*  Regulates Qi, improves transportive function of the spleen, relieves diaphragm - epigastric/abdominal distention, fullness, bloating, belching, nausea, vomiting (promotes movement of qi in general; specifically directing it downward - good for different types of nausea/vomiting).


*  Important herb for drying dampness and the transformation of phlegm - coughs with stifling sensation in the chest/diaphragm, and copious viscous sputum (qi-level herb).


*  Prevents stagnation - prevents cloying of tonifying herbs.




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Product no.: herb-058

Pharmaceutical name: Ramulus Sangjisheng


* Tonify liver and kidney yin, strengthen sinews and bones, expel wind-damp - lower back and knee pain, joint problems, atrophy of sinews and bones, bi-syndromes.

* Nourish blood, calm the womb - uterine bleeding during pregnancy, dry and scaly skin.

* Hypertension.



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Product no.: HERB-083

Pharmaceutical name: Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae

*  Relieves toxicity, eliminates dampness - joint pain, lin syndrome, jaundice.

*  Clears damp-heat from the skin - recurrent ulcers or hot skin lesions, syphilis.


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Product no.: herb-077

Pharmaceutical name: Caulis Polygoni Multiflori


Nourishes the Heart Yin and Blood.

Unblocks the channels.

Alleviates itching



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£22.50 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: herb-067

Pharmaceutical name: Pericarpium Trichosanthis


*  Clears heat and transforms phlegm-heat - for heat-induced coughs with sputum that is thick and difficult to expectorate.


*  Expands the chest and dissipates nodules - constriction, pain, lung abscesses, breast abscesses.


*  The peel, Gua Lou Pi, clears and transforms phlegm heat - dissipates nodules, regulates qi - dry cough, throat, cough, difficult to expectorate sputum


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Product no.: herb-0089

Pharmaceutical name: Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis


* Extinguishes wind and alleviates spasms - spasms, muscle tremors, seizures.

* Drains liver heat and pacifies liver yang - headaches, irritability, red eyes, dizziness.

* Releases the exterior - fever, headaches, red eyes.



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Product no.: herb-00104


Pharmaceutical name: Myrrha



*  Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, reduces swelling, alleviate pain - trauma, sores, carbuncles, swellings, abdominal masses, painful obstruction, chest pain, abdominal pain, amenorrhea.


*  Promotes healing of chronic non-healing sores.



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Product no.: herb-00107

Commen name: Honey Prepared Licorice


*  Tonifies the spleen and augments qi - spleen deficiency w/shortness of breath, fatigue, loose stools (si jun zi tong).


*  Qi and/or blood deficiency w/irregular pluse or palpitations (Zhi Gan Cao Tang).


*  Moistens the lungs and stops cough - heat/cold in the lungs (Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang).


*  Clears heat and toxic fire (raw) - carbuncles, sores, sore throat due to fire toxin (internally or topically).


*  Alleviates pain and stops spasms - abdomen or legs (Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang).


*  Often used to harmonize and/or moderate characteristics of other herbs.


*  Antidote for toxic substances (internally and topically).




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Product no.: herb-00110

Pharmaceutical name: Spatholobi Caulis



*  Promotes the movement of blood, tonify the blood - blood deficiency patterns such as irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, accompanied with abdominal pain.


*  Invigorate the channels, relax the sinews - numbness of the extremities, lower back pain, knee pain, damp bi-syndrome, w/blood deficiency or stasis.





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Product no.: herb-00112

Pharmaceutical name: Cinnamomi Cortex


*  Warms the kidneys and fortifies yang - aversion to cold, cold limbs, weak back, impotence, frequent urination; also for waning of spleen and kidney yang with abdominal pain and cold, reduced appetite, diarrhea; wheezing due to failure of the kidneys to grasp the Qi.


*  Leads floating yang back to its source - upward floating of deficient yang; flushed face, wheezing, severe sweating (like oil), weak and cold lower extremities, deficient and rootless pulse (false heat-true cold, or heat above-cold below).


*  Disperses deep cold, warms the channels, alleviates pain due to cold causing qi or blood stasis; amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.


*  Encourages generation of Qi and blood.



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Product no.: herb-00115

Pharmaceutical name: Radix Atractylodes Macrocephalae



*  Releases muscle layer and adjusts ying and wei qi levels


*  Useful in wind-cold-damp bi syndromes to warm channels and disperse cold


*  Resolves blood stagnation particularly from cold - dysmenorrhea


*  Unblocks yang qi in the chest - shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations


*  Resolve edema and accumulation of cold phlegm




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Product no.: herb-0126

Pharmaceutical name: Ganoderma


Lowers blood sugar

anti-bacterial and anti-viral

Augments Qi and Nourishes Blood

calms the spirit

inhibits platelet aggregation (clotting)




£18.60 / pack(s) *

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Product no.: herb-o127

Pharmaceutical name:  Rhodiola Rosea


*  Srenfhwn the nerbous system, fights depression, enhance immunity.

*  elevate the capacity for exercise, enhance memory, aid weight reduction, 

*  increase sexual function and improve energy levels



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Product no.: herb-0128

Pharmaceutical name:  Rhodiola Rosea


*  Srenfhwn the nerbous system, fights depression, enhance immunity.

*  elevate the capacity for exercise, enhance memory, aid weight reduction, 

*  increase sexual function and improve energy levels



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Product no.: herbs-00123

Pharmaceutical name: Radix Tripterygium Wilfordii



* Dispels wind and dampness, and is usually used to treat bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome).


* Relieves pain and reduces swelling in patients who have swollen joints and difficulty moving.


* It can be used alone or with other antirheumatic herbs.




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Product no.: herb-01190

Pharmaceutical name: Cynomorii Herba


*  Tonify kidney yang - impotence, frequent urination, spermatorrhea.

*  Nourish blood, tonify essence, strengthen sinews - motor impairment, paralysis from blood and jing deficiency.

*  Moisten instestines - constipation due to qi and/or blood deficiency.



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Product no.: herb-01180

Pharmaceutical name: Herba Sarcandrae


Clears heat and cools the blood. 

*  Invigorates the blood and removes skin spots. 

*  Dispels wind and unblocks the collaterals.



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Product no.: herb-00139

Pharmaceutical name: Drynariae Rhizoma


*. Tonify kidneys - weak low back and knee, diarrhea, tinnitus, decreased hearing, toothache, bleeding gums due to deficient kidneys.

*. Mending sinews and bones due to falls, fractures, contusions, sprains.

*. Stimulates growth of hair - used topically as a tincture for alopecia.


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Product no.: herb-01128

Pharmaceutical name: Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin


* Calms the spirit, relieves constrained emotions - vexation, depression, insomnia, irritability, poor memory.

* Invigorates the blood, alleviates pain - pain and swelling due to trauma, abscesses.



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Product no.: herb-0440

Pharmaceutical name: Herba cum Radice Asari



* Supporting herb for exterior cold, useful when primary symptoms are head/body aches, particularly with dampness and/or KD Yang Deficiency

*  Dispels wind, disperses cold, alleviates pain

*  Transforms phlegm - wind-cold w/cough

*  Unblocks Qi - nasal congestion



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Product no.: herb-001181

Pharmaceutical name: Olibanum


*  Invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis, alleviate pain - trauma, carbuncles and swellings, chest and/or abdominal pain.

*. Relax the sinews, invigorates the channels, alleviates pain - bi syndromes, rigidity, spasms.

*. Reduces swellings, generates flesh - topically for sores, carbuncles, traumatic injury.




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Product no.: tea-0012

Pharmaceutical name: Belamcandae Rhizoma


*  Clears heat, relieves toxicity, improves the throat - painful, swollen throat due to fire excess, fire toxin, or phlegm-heat obstruction.

*  Transforms phlegm, clears the lungs - cough, wheezing, and phlegm.




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Product no.: formula-027

Pharmaceutical name: Radix Peoniae Rubrae, Peoniae Radix rubra


*  Invigorates blood, dispels stasis (stronger than Mu Dan Pi) - dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, abdominal pain and masses, traumatic pain associated with swelling, early stages of abscesses and boils.


*  Clears heat, cools the blood (especially for excess heat in the blood) - for heat entering the blood level with fever, purple tongue, skin blotches, bleeding, gyn issues.


*  Clears liver fire - for red swollen, painful eyes.




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Product no.: formula-017

Pharmaceutical name: Radix Tripterygium Wilfordii 



* Dispels wind and dampness, and is usually used to treat bi zheng (painful obstruction syndrome).


* Relieves pain and reduces swelling in patients who have swollen joints and difficulty moving.


* It can be used alone or with other antirheumatic herbs.




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£12.80 / pack(s) *

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